
Catch the Moment – Week 19

127 | May 6, Fri – New bed from our wonderful friends, Quyen and L., who moved back to Australia. They didn’t want to take a lot of L’s bedroom furniture overseas, so they gifted it to Homer! And Tina helped me move it all, like a boss! It was pretty awesome. Here’s Homer, sleeping in his new full size bed for the first time! (This photo at least serves as proof he’s slept in it at all, as he’s still sleeping with us nearly all the time.)

128 | May 7, Sat – Look at this beautiful boy! I love my nephew like crazy!!

129 | May 8, Sun – Happy Mother’s Day!!! Homer made me this bracelet in preschool. He also decorated a frame for me, and the school put a photo of him in it for me. These kinds of things are my favorite kinds of gifts!!

130 | May 9, Mon – Field trip to the bowling alley! So fun!

131 | May 10, Tues – Ah. Someone broke into my car. Fun times. I was SO angry! Luckily, nothing was stolen. I think the alarm must’ve scared them off, as the alarm stops when you shut the door again. So my guess was this quick rummage, of throwing everything in the glove box and the center console thingie onto the front passenger seat was done in a flurry, and seeing nothing of any value, they shut the door and left. Ugh. A**holes. At least they didn’t take the radio (or the car seats!) or damage my car, or take my car, or whatever. That would’ve majorly sucked.

132 | May 11, Wed – I babysat for a friend, and her little guy and I built marble tracks!! So fun!

133 | May 12, Thurs – At preschool, we were teaching the kids how to do self portraits, so a couple of us parents did them as examples. This was mine. 🙂 (And it’s a self portrait photograph of a self portrait drawing.. so meta!)

Well, that was our week! How was yours? Hopefully no car break-ins for you!! And no more for me either, ok universe?? kthx!! 😛 See you next time! Thanks for reading!

= = = = = = =
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4 thoughts on “Catch the Moment – Week 19”

  1. You definitely had some “excitement” this week, both good and not so good: celebrations, scares and fun!! I actually love your self-portrait. I’m gonna have to try that!

  2. ugh on the car. Awhile back we had ours riffled through too – we must have forgotten to lock it, which so isn’t like us, so now I always double check before going up to bed. ALWAYS. But thankfully they only took the change we had and riffled through our glove box too which is how we first thought something was off with it being open. Bah! The bracelet is so cute! I adore it.

    1. I hate that people do things like that! I’d left the car unlocked too, which is also very unlike us. Joe remembered that Homer had run too fast into the parking lot, and I was freaking about it and telling him how important it is to look before darting into a parking lot!! And he said it made sense that I forgot to lock the car, since I was occupied with that. Argh! Now I keep locking it like three times after we’re in for the evening with the little remote key fob thingie!

      Thanks, I am super excited about the bracelet!

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